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Sports for Grades 7 and 8

Sports for Grades 7 and 8

Please see the important information below about sports 

  1. Athletic competitions are open to any seventh or eighth grade student. 
  2. ALL FORMS ARE COMPLETED ELECTONICALLY on our website. Follow the link - Indian Crest Family ID Portal or go to Indian Crest website; click on athletics; look for the Family ID link and fill out all forms there electronically.  Doctor’s physicals will need to be uploaded onto that site.  If you have any problems with the Family ID Portal, please contact their support team at or 1-888-800-5583, ext. 1.
  3. In order to participate, students must have had a doctor’s physical any time after June 1st of the upcoming school year (i.e. physical is after June 1, 2024 to compete in boy’s basketball in January 2025)
  4. There is a section to complete the student activity fee.  No fees need to be paid to tryout.  Just hit cancel when you get to that section, and it will take you to the end.  Payment is only necessary after making the team.  The current district cost is $175.00 and will cover a student athlete for the entire year.  If finances are an issue, the office can address each case on an individual basis.
  5. If your student is trying out for a different sport in a subsequent season, all forms must be resubmitted online.   In other words, each season of competition requires online forms to be completed.  You only pay the fee once.
  6. Any questions or concerns can be addressed to our school Athletic Director, Mr. Rick Hess,


Sports available are listed below. 


Fall Sports

  • Football - starts 8/27
  • Co-Ed Soccer - starts 8/29
  • Girls Field Hockey - starts 8/29
  • Cheerleading - tryouts are 9/4, 9/5, and 9/6 

Winter Sports

  • Girls Basketball - starts 10/21
  • Co-Ed Wrestling - starts 12/2
  • Boys Basketball - 1/2/25


Spring Sports - Starts 3/17/25

  • Boys Baseball
  • Girls Softball
  • Girls Lacrosse
  • Co-Ed Track and Field